Category: Write music
What Makes Playwriting Different Than Other Types of Writing — E.M. Welsh
When discussing playwriting, I often tend to characterize it as screenwriting’s “down-to-earth older sister.” The primary reason for this is the pure freedom of playwriting, something that at first left me feeling confused as a screenwriter when I took my first playwriting class. “Wha
Music Note Wall Stickers, Music Wall Decals – Etsy
Our music note wall stickers are a perfect way to decorate your child’s bedroom, playroom or nursery with a music theme. Perfect if your child absolutely loves music, the pack features treble clefs, minims, crotchets, quavers, semiquavers and even demi-semi quavers. MUSIC NOTE WALL STICKERS (APPROXIMATE) Each pack contains 52 music symbols all measuring approximately […]
How to write a script treatment
Crafting a compelling script is just the start. To succeed in the film industry, a killer pitch is vital. Use this script treatment outline to learn what a treatment is and exactly how to write one…